Principles that apply:



THINKING - The same thinking that got you to where you are is NOT going to be the thinking that will lead you to more prosperity.People need guidance by experts who have had many results in building and growing businesses, in this case.



STRUCTURE OF NETWORKING GROUPS - Members of networking groups MUST be aligned by the customers they seek very specifically or they fail.Most networking groups are general in their focus and DO NOT succeed for the individuals involved primarily for this reason. There is very high attrition in those groups.



FACILITATION – The facilitator of a networking group CANNOT also be a participant.It does not work for the other participants in the group, not the individual who facilitates.



PAYMENTS FOR SERVICES ARE NECESSARY - People that want to pay for FREE services are not serious about growing their business.Experts have an ROI for services rendered very quickly because they apply principles for growing business that last indefinitely.You get what you pay for is an applicable adage.



REGULARITY – important that there is regular contact, but not too much.With only 20 business days per month one needs time to apply the business principles learned.



OVER 200 YEARS OF BUSINESS EXPEREINCE IN THE MEETINGS – At a minimum, there will be over 150 years of experience in the group Alliance meetings.With proper facilitation, the strengths of each member can be provided to the group as a whole.